Am Trust Financial Services Investigation

Am Trust Financial Services Investigation

Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating possible claims for a class action against Am Trust Financial Services  for improperly delisting its preferred stock.  We are investigating whether the delisting is proper and legal and whether Am Trust Financial Services delisted the stock to facilitate cancellation of dividends, causing the value  of the preferred stocks to decline.

If you or someone you know owns any series of Am Trust Financial’ s preferred stock , or who owned it and sold it at a loss and would like to learn more about our investigation, please fill out our online form, or contact Lee Squitieri. at<> or by phone at (212) 421-6492.


Am Trust Financial Services Investigation

    Any information that you submit will be maintained as confidential. If Squitieri & Fearon, LLP, in its sole discretion, believes that you might be an appropriate lead plaintiff candidate, Squitieri & Fearon, LLP will contact you to discuss the matter and whether to establish an attorney client relationship.