SMILE DIRECT CLUB, INC. INVESTIGATION Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating Smile Direct Club, Inc. (NASDAQ: SDC) in connection with the drop in its stock price. If you or someone you know has purchased shares of Smile Direct Club, Inc. and would like to learn more about our investigation, please fill out our online form, or more »
Am Trust Financial Services Investigation
Am Trust Financial Services Investigation Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating possible claims for a class action against Am Trust Financial Services for improperly delisting its preferred stock. We are investigating whether the delisting is proper and legal and whether Am Trust Financial Services delisted the stock to facilitate cancellation of dividends, causing the value of more »
North American Company For Life and Health Insurance
North American Company For Life And Health Insurance Cost/Premium Increase Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating possible claims for a class action against North American Company For Life And Health Insurance for improperly using its cost-of-insurance charges as a profit mechanism and not reducing those charges as projected mortality rates have improved, especially for certain more »
ReliaStar Life Insurance Company Investigation
ReliaStar Excessive Insurance Costs Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating claims for a class action against ReliaStar for imposing excessive cost-of-insurance charges, especially for certain universal life policies. We are investigating whether ReliaStar is failing to reduce its charges as mortality rates have improved and is deducting from the cash value of the policies more more »
Protective Life Insurance Company
Protective Life Insurance Cost/Premium Increase Investigation Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating possible claims for a class action against Protective Life for imposing excessive cost-of-insurance charges on its universal life policies. We are investigating whether Protective Life is charging more than it should for the cost of insurance or deducting from the cash value of more »
NYC Teachers’ Pension Investigation
Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is pursuing claims for New York City teachers who have been shortchanged on their pension payments. In particular, the firm is representing teachers who retired but were not credited with their payments in July and August that they earned while teaching during the regular school year. Teachers earned those payments by teaching more »
BNY-Mellon, Legg Mason, Alliance Bernstein and Invesco Proprietary 401(K)Performance and fee Investigation
BNY-Mellon, Legg Mason, Alliance Bernstein and Invesco PROPRIETARY 401(k)PERFORMANCE AND FEE INVESTIGATION Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating claims regarding 401(k) accounts of employees of BNY-Mellon, Legg Mason, Alliance Bernstein and Invesco. Preliminary investigation has uncovered that each of BNY-Mellon, Legg Mason, Alliance Bernstein and Invesco have inserted within each of their respective employee 401(k) more »
GE 401K Plan Investigation
Squitieri & Fearon, LLP, a leader in pension plan class action under ERISA, is investigating losses of investment in GE employees’ 401k plan. The “General Electric Retirement Savings Plan” formerly knows as “General Electric Savings and Securities Program” during the period from January 1, 2011 and June 30, 2016. GE Employees were encouraged to invest their more »
T Rowe Price 401(k) Plan Fees Investigation
Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is currently investigating claims on behalf of participants in the T. Rowe Price U.S. Retirement Program who invested in T. Rowe Price -related funds. Those T. Rowe Price funds charged fees and expenses that often were excessive and directly benefitted T. Rowe Price and the other fiduciaries of the Plan. Often more »
Wells Fargo 401(k) Fees for Target date Funds Investigation
Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is currently investigating claims on behalf of participants in the Wells Fargo & Company 401(k) Plan who invested their retirement assets in Wells Fargo’s mutual funds — known as “Target Date Funds”. Those funds generally cost at least two times more than comparable target date funds and often underperformed the other more »